Welcome to Gallery Luzium
‘빛을 발하는 공간에서의 나’에 집중하는 루지움은
‘지금, 이곳에서의 삶’에 어떤 광(光)을 제공할지 고민합니다.
삶에 더해진 예술, 예술에 더한 도시는 어떤 형태일까요? 이 의문을 해소하고자 각 예술가와 적극적으로 ‘동행’함으로써 전시, 교육, 공공예술등에 접근해봤습니다. 특히 도시의 토대가 되는 건축물을 하나의 단위체로 인식하여 그에 포함된 조형작품에도 관심을 두고 있습니다. 이렇듯 저희는 ‘도시의 예술혼’을 보장하는 주체임을 확신합니다.
‘Luzium Gallery’, which focuses on “my very own ego in the space with a bright light,” also concerns about what kind of light could they provide to “life of now and here.” How could one ordinary town be a ‘city with an art’? To solve this question, we devoted ourselves to find the way to accompany with each artist, approaching towards numerous exhibitions, educations, and public arts. Moreover, the recognition upon architecture, which states that it is the foundation of every city, made us to think buildings can also be a unit of huge metropolis, while we are interested in the sculptures included in there on the other hand. Therefore, we can highly guarantee that Luzium Gallery can reliably support artists to materialize their spirits in the city.
대구광역시 수성구 청수로 178
178, Cheonhsu-ro, Suseong-gu, Daegu, Republic of Korea
Tel. 0507-1374-2933
Open hours
Tue ~ Fri : 1pm – 6pm
Sat : Saturday is reservation only
Closed on Sunday, Monday